oh ya...kemarin ka aku nampak iklan filem ni...mmg aku suka tgk filem ni sejak dr yg pertama,kedua, ketiga....aku pun ndak ingat tul..wpun seram tp siok...tp 18SG dan 18SX la kdg2..
filem ni psl org tu dpt firasat sapa yg akan mati dulu...yg hero atau heroinnya tu akan tbayang/mimpi sapa2 yg bakal temui MAUT....hi3..seram kan...kalo yg dulu aku tgk..ada yg mati psl accident dgn lori kayu balak..besar tul kayu balak tu..bayangkn bukan 1 org yg mati tp ramai wo..
kalo ikut tul filem baru ni bkl ditayng pd 3 sep dpn...
* ingat pula aku pd sepupu aku c..... . pelik tp benar..dia ndak takut kalo crita hantu org putih tp dia takut crita hantu org melayu...
Sinopsis crita The Final Destination.
When Nick O'Bannon had a premonition of a racecar fatally crashing and instantly killing his friends in the most gruesome way, he decided to just shake it off. But when everything looks so real, he began to panic and persuaded the other teenagers to leave the place immediately. Soon after, debris began to fly and all his dreams turn into tragic reality. As for Nick, along with his girlfriend, Lori and her best friend, this is just the beginning. When survivors began to die one-by-one in a most horrifying way one can imagine, Nick must think of a way to cheat Death once more.
Friday, August 28, 2009
The Final Destination
Posted by Unknown at 7:59 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Time posa
mekom....Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa di bulan yg mulia ini...sy pun ambil peluang ni untuk menambah pahala...
tp yg bestnya time puasa ni..tidur sy nyenyak...lapar tu biasalah tp rs relaks sangat...fikiran tenang...mungkin itulah kebaikan dr puasa..
tp yg penting ...sy mau menjelang hari raya ni saya kalo boleh tidk mo kejadian raya thn lalu berulang...beraya di hospital mjelang mlm raya sbb anak sakit....bayangkan raya ke-3 baru keluar dr hospital...tp aku berterima kasih kpd suami sbb dialah pengunjung setia kami anak beranak..bertuah aku mdapat suami spertinya...kadang2 aku rasa rindu pdnya...apatah lagi skrg dia shift subuh..2 am till 10 am..gtula cari rezeki..syukur kehadratNya kami dpt berbuka sama2 cuma time sahur tu aku sorang2 la..cian.... ya ginilah kalo kerja...lainla kalo business sendiri...
aku bsyukur kpdMu Ya Allah krn aku sempat berpuasa pada thn ni...insyaAllah aku mo ziarah kubur saudara mara di Kg Bolong...4 thn uda aku ndak p sana...rindu tul aku mo jumpa sepupu time ziarah kubur..bkn apa..jarang2 jumpa..
Posted by Unknown at 8:15 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 21, 2009
No Title
kemarin aku tak dtg sbb best friend aku da mslh...tp tak yah la aku bgtau ...mslh rumahtangga...dia ada prob dgn husbandnya....bila aku dgr critanya aku ikut nangis.....aku tgk badannya pun susut...
dia mmg ngaku masih sygkn suaminya..aku bg nasihat dgn dia sembahyang ikut waktu...jgn lupa kpdNya...mgkin selama ni kt ringan2kan smbhyg(cam aku le)...insyaAllah Dia akan tunjukkan jalanNya...yg sedihnya meka da kwin 12 thn.....dia ni mmg rapat dgn aku la..sjak kecil lg..
aku mls nak crita hal org biar ckit2 jak la aku taip kat blog aku ni....aku doakan agar best friend aku hidup aman damai with her family....Amin....
Posted by Unknown at 8:39 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Tak ada yg istimewa pn
ok ari ni aku bz tgk pertama ramadan...sambungan drp Diari Ramadhan Rafik tu...pas ni aku mo check kertas prestasi pangkalan data pelatih yg blm siap..k la itu jak..babai
Posted by Unknown at 9:19 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 17, 2009
Ujian Ms Access
ari ni aku bt ujian amali ms access 2007. pas ni pelatih akan p bab 3 pasal power supply...
o ya....kemarin aku, husbandku dan anak2 p 1B tgk pameraan kereta dan motor...pas tu mkn di KFC...dan jln2 ckit....sbm tu tgk org kawin pla..lupa ah...anyway sampai rumah ngantuk tul..nsib masih mo p keja...k esok smbg lagi k...
Posted by Unknown at 2:55 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 14, 2009
Marc Anthony- My Baby You
As I look into your eyes
I see all the reasons why
My life’s worth a thousand skies
You’re the simplest love I’ve known
And the purest one I’ll own
Know you’ll never be alone
My baby you
Are the reason I could fly
And cause of you
I don’t have to wonder why
Baby you
There’s no more just getting by
You’re the reason I feel so alive
Though these words I sing are true
They still fail to capture you
As mere words can only do
How do I explain that smile
And how it turns my world around
Keeping my feet on the ground
Repeat Chorus
I will soothe you if you fall
I’l be right there if you call
You’re my greatest love of all
Repeat Chorus
Arianna I feel so alive
Posted by Unknown at 10:52 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Cg Harmiyati & Herman
ari ni aku bagi can dgn 2 org cg ni tuk ngajar Ms Access..dorang bahagi kelas kpd 2...suruh ajar yg asas2 jak..so far ok...platih pun bleh ikut arahan...aku pening kpala jg kalo dgr platih asyik ketawa2 jak...mgu dpn aku kira mo bt ujian Ms Access ni...patutnya mgu ni masuk modul baru dah...tgal 1 subtopik lagi...psl aplikasi internet...
Posted by Unknown at 9:53 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
bt ujian Ms Excel
hai3....ari ni 2 grup da ambil ujian tuk Excel..maklumlah nak bt GCPA....masih ada lg yg blm terrer..tp mgu lalu patut dorang da practice...mkin dorang bt sambil lewa maka hasilnya pun sambil lewalah...tp tak kan nak tgu smua org dapt bt baru pergi ke modul baru...not fair la kan...yg ke depan tu tak kan nak tgu lama???????harap2 dorang belajar sendiri la...kejar demi tuk diri sdiri....
Posted by Unknown at 11:40 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 3, 2009
huh...baru ari ni dapat update BLOG
mgu lalu adlh mgu cbuk...so ari ni baru dpt jenguk blog...k la nti sambung...ye...
gambar d atas tu swktu d rumah kwn punya kwn punya rumah...di selayang...ada Akademi jahitan (Akademi Jahitan Kamsiah)....bestla...byk contoh baju yg dorang hasilkan..ada ms aku kasi upload ya..bye
Posted by Unknown at 10:16 AM 2 comments